Friday, June 30, 2006


It happened again!! Momma went into the bathroom this morning and I followed her in and super-speeded up to jump to the window using the fuzzy cover on the loud whoosher. BUT...!!....she didn't stop at the sink like she usually does- she kept going and went to the whooser and lifted the fuzzy cover at the same time I jumped and MY LEG GOT WET!!!! least I have fresh food now....gonna take out my anger on my bear cuz Momma had to leave for "work" so I can't jump her now.


Ayla said...

Ya I've fallen in the big whooser a few times trying to get up onto the window. The Mom put in a rule that all guests must make sure the cover is down when they are done. At least you only got your leg wet.

The Crew said...

Yes, yes. This is an important lesson that kittens need to learn early in life. When to jump and when not to jump!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Timing is everything, isn't it?

Hot(M)BC said...

Oh nooooooooooo. Not fallin in! Oopsy.

~~ Boni
and the rest of the Hot(M)BC crew too

Zeus said...

Water is the bane of all felines' existences. I am relieved to hear that it was only your poor leg that got wet!