Saturday, July 01, 2006

Don't like water!

This is not a good weekend yet. It happened again today, but not in the whoosher- it was in the big white water bowl! It's usually empty and Momma will put a ball in there for me to play with but not this morning.


This morning it got filled up and she was sitting in it! *shudder* voluntarily! I admit I jumped on the edge and peeked over but I wasn't goin' in! There was drops coming from the faucet, but I couldn't reach. So I was playing with the shower curtain and fell in! That was scary! Splashin' and tryin' to get out. Momma came after me with a towel to dry me off, but I wasn't having any of it, my tongue works just fine, thank you!

And then...just to make the morning worse-- something felled off the table and spilled my water bowl! When I was trying to drink from it! Momma took my mat outside so it could dry and refilled my dish.

So as payback I've been running around like a crazy cat all day....but that's tiring...I'm gonna take a nap now- it'll be quiet cuz Momma & Dad are leaving to go see Sooperman...that's stupid. Why would you want to see a Sooperman when they've got a Sooper-kitten at home? Oh, well..


Lone Star Purrs said...

Wow...rough day! Hope the rest of the weekend goes better!

Zeus said...

How terribly frightening that must have been to fall in the tub?! My human pet did that one time: She slipped while stepping into the tub and fell in such an awkward position that I felt compelled to help her until some other homo sapien came along. My idea of helping, though, seemed to aggravate her - I licked her nose and face until help came.

I still don't know why she thought I was not helping...

Maybe you need to stay away from watery places for the time being, Little Nemo! It sounds very dangerous for you to be near them in the first place!