Saturday, July 22, 2006

Cool down

It's been furry hot & humid all week long and the a/c has been on, but it's still been muggy in the house and then....

I found a new way to stay cool this week-- the fridgerator!!

I don't wanna come out, I like it in here!

do I hafta come out? pleeeease can I stay in here?

hey, why does the light go out when you close the door?

ok, ok, I'm coming...sheesh!

I'll just mess up your camera shot, Mom.


Just Ducky said...

Oh Nemo becareful of the big cold box. You don't want to get stuck in there. It wouldn't be good for you. Just aske the beans to open the door now and then so you can cool off.

Katnippia said...

Nemo, thats a good place to cool off, but you don't want to stayz in there. It gets really stuffy in there, and it gets really hardz to breathz. So do what Derby sayz and ask the beans to openz the door.

Anonymous said...

Good idea Nemo, except like they said you would run of air to breathe if you stayed in there. Just go stand by it occasionally and meow loudly until they open the door for a minute!

Ayla said...

You want cold? Come over and visit. I feel like there are icicles forming on my nose at times.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.