Sunday, July 09, 2006


No catnip for a week!

all just because I snuck outside...but Momma says that outside isn't nice and there's lots of scary things for little kitties like me. I didn't see any!

she also said somethin' 'bout a flea spray or flea bath from a V-E-T this week if I got anything from when I went out. or something called frontline.

bath. I don't like the sound of that.


Zeus said...

Flea baths are no fun. However, if you have a strong will, little Nemo, you can make it so that your homo sapiens never bathe you again. Simply screech, meow, hiss, and spat while flailing your arms in the air while they attempt to dip you into the sink. Scramble around on the wet floor in between their legs and attempt to puff your fur out into a huge wet blowfish type look. I assure you: Your humans will never want to bathe you again!

Unknown said...

Listen to Zeus; his advice is wonderful. B-a-t-h is one of those four letter words you never want to hear!

The Crew said...

Do you think you got a flea on you when you snuck out? I got out into the garage already, and my new Mom freaked out completely! But I don't think I got a flea on least I hope not. That was very tricky how your Mom used your poor bear to get you back in the house. I was all the way to the big, open door before my Mom scooped me up and took me back inside. It was GREAT!

Misty E.

The Meezers or Billy said...

uh oh. A Baf. Sammy likes bafs, I do not like them at all. But, if he has to go to the v-e-t for med-i-k-shun, our Mommy says Revolution werks a lot better than Frontline.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Cats can baf themselves, fank you furry much. If they put you in the big white bowl an start gettin you wet, head for hi ground, an I mean "head" if you no what I mean. Make like a cat hat.

Ayla said...

I don't know. I've been outside a couple of times and I think it's highly overrated. Too many bad things out there. I prefer staying home in the laundry basket where I can sleep in peace without worrying about fleas or dogs or any bad stuff like that.