Sunday, July 09, 2006


I got out!!! Made a break for it this morning...those big green hedge-thingys make me sneeze, though. And the grass was wet. The birds were too high up. Momma quit calling for me and I think she left, so I came out and hid under the neighbor's red car.

It was so cool! All the smells in the air and then I heard a woofer. Then Momma came back and saw me, but I was too smart. I just stayed there under the car and stared at her while she uselessy called me. And then her hand came from behind her back--

she had my bear!!!

I love my bear! I looked at him but she didn't seem to be mistreating him, so I stayed where I was. But then she started shaking him and I got worried.....stupid, stupid! I was so worried about my bear that I forgot and slowly came forward to make sure he was ok (I was gonna grab him and go back under the car) and then she scooped me up and brought me back inside.

I begged and begged Momma, but she wouldn't let me back out, says I'm an "indoor kitty".
but it smelled so WONDERFUL out there! revenge...I'm running around the house like a crazy kitty...ha!...and attacke the newspaper so she couldn't read it...ha!..

uh oh...what does "grounded" mean?

1 comment:

The Meezers or Billy said...

uh oh, grounded. that means that you can only go to skool and then you has to come right home and not go out again. oh, maybe that's just for bean kids. outside is a furry scary scary place Nemo. you would be safer inside.